Illuminate Your Home

Your Trusted Partner for All Residential Electrical Needs

At Lux Electrical, we understand that your home is more than just a place to live; it’s where life happens. That’s why we offer comprehensive residential electrical services designed to ensure your home is safe, efficient, and perfectly suited to your lifestyle. From minor repairs to major installations, our team of electricians is equipped to handle all your electrical needs with the utmost care and professionalism.

For Every Home


Electrical Installations

Whether you’re building a new home or adding to your existing one, we provide complete electrical installation services. This includes wiring, panel upgrades, lighting fixtures, and smart home technology integrations.

Troubleshooting & Repairs

Regular maintenance is key to the longevity and safety of your home’s electrical system. Our experts are here for all your repair needs, from troubleshooting issues to replacing outdated systems.

Generator Installation

Be prepared for power outages with our generator installation services. We offer a range of options to keep your home powered during unexpected interruptions.

Our Values


Licensed and Insured

At Lux Electrical, we take our responsibility seriously. Being fully licensed and insured, we adhere to the highest safety standards and regulations, ensuring that every job is done right and with the utmost safety.

Expertise You Can Trust

With over 20 years of experience in the electrical trade, our team brings unmatched expertise to every project.

Comprehensive Solutions, Not Just Quick Fixes

We find and address the root cause of your electrical issues, not just apply temporary fixes. Our approach ensures long-term solutions, giving you peace of mind and confidence in the end result.

Clear Communication & Reliable Execution

We value your time. Our team is known for being punctual, responsive, and dedicated to completing projects on schedule. Plus, we take the time to explain the issues and our approach, ensuring you are informed and comfortable with the process.


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Ready To start your project?

Contact us today for a consultation or to schedule a service.